
Hi! I'm Nigel Rawlins

Independent Consulting Success: Melisa Liberman's Journey and Insights

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader,

Episode 39 of the Wisepreneurs podcast features the valuable insights of Melisa Liberman, a former corporate executive turned successful independent consultant.

Melisa generously shares her wealth of knowledge and experience in value-based consulting.

With over 160 episodes in her podcast, "Grow Your Independent Consulting Business," Melisa has dedicated herself to helping high-end corporate consultants thrive.

She provides invaluable insights and advice for those transitioning from corporate to independent consulting. But everything she shares with us is relevant to all businesses,

She discusses the challenges and opportunities of building a flourishing consulting practice while maintaining a balanced lifestyle and achieving personal goals.

The Accidental Consultant

Melisa's journey into consulting began unexpectedly when her former employer asked her to stay on as a consultant after she resigned.

"I became what I like to call an accidental consultant and have really never looked back," she shares.

When this happened, Melisa realized the possibilities of independent consulting, which set her on her path to intentional success.

Pricing for Value, Not Time

One of the most important points she makes, relevant to all consultants, freelancers, and independent professionals, is the mindset shift required of learning to price based on value and outcomes rather than time.

"At the end of the day, you're not selling your time. You're selling an outcome that the client wants to achieve," Melisa explains.

Focusing on the results your clients seek can help you create more compelling offers and packages that align with their goals and justify premium prices. However, it is not always easy, and you may need some advice to help you feel confident about this path.

Wearing Multiple Hats

As an independent consultant, you will wear multiple hats and manage all aspects of your business, from sales and marketing to finance and delivery.

Melisa emphasizes the importance of being intentional about your business model, leveraging your network, and building a robust pipeline to support sustainable growth and work-life balance.

Leveraging Your Expertise

Age and experience can be a consultant's greatest asset, as clients value the depth of knowledge and track record of success with a longer career.

Melisa encourages consultants to embrace their expertise and use it to differentiate themselves in the market, attract ideal clients, and command higher fees.

Designing Your Ideal Business

Melisa stresses the importance of designing a consulting business that supports your desired lifestyle and goals.

By being intentional about your niche, pricing, and schedule, you can create a practice that allows you to achieve work-life balance, personal fulfilment, and financial success on your terms.

In the show notes for Melisa's conversation, she offers a free ebook worth downloading

You can listen to our conversation here:

Wisepreneur Podcast Episode 40 Sneak Peek

Guest Úna Herlihy shares her insights on the significant shift in the marketing industry, with a growing number of experienced professionals choosing to work independently.

She discusses how her Irish platform, The Indie List, is transforming how businesses find and hire top marketing talent by connecting them with highly skilled freelancers and independent consultants.

We discuss how independent professionals must know how platforms such as this can help them seek the work they want.

Something to dwell on...
"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." Carl Gustav Jung

Nigel Rawlins
Marketing Support for Independent Professional Women, 50–70+, to help you secure meaningful, enjoyable work that recognises and values your skills and experience. Find out more here ​​

If you would like to talk to me about this, please book a free 30-minute coaching call​​

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