Networking Mastery with Karen Wickre—A Guide to Authentic Connections

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Newsletter Guest Spotlight: Karen Wickre

Karen Wickre is a veteran Tech editor, curator, and content strategist who has spent over thirty years shaping the tech industry in Silicon Valley. Her career includes corporate communications roles at Twitter and Google. Now in her seventies, Karen continues thriving as an independent consultant, offering editorial services and strategic communication expertise.

I first spoke with Karen on episode seven, and she graciously returned for episode 57, demonstrating her ongoing commitment to sharing her knowledge and experience.

Karen's approach to networking is genuinely unique. Her book, "Taking the Work Out of Networking," has become a go-to guide for professionals seeking to build authentic relationships without feeling overwhelmed. She emphasizes the importance of staying connected over time, much like tending to a garden—a process she has mastered throughout her career.

In her latest podcast episode, Karen shares relevant insights to professionals at all stages of their careers. Whether you're an aspiring consultant, an established entrepreneur, or simply looking to enhance your career, Karen's wisdom is something you will want to take advantage of. Tune in now to catch all the actionable advice and inspiring stories she has to offer!

Listen to Karen's episode here:

Overcoming Cognitive Overwhelm
Independent professionals aged 50—60+ have built a range of accomplishments, wisdom, and resilience. Yet, the demands of running a business today can feel more overwhelming than ever before.

The nature of work has changed—technology has advanced rapidly, expectations have shifted, and the pace of work has only accelerated. While you’re more than capable, the cognitive load of juggling these demands can take its toll, leading to a sense of overwhelm.

You may find yourself pushing through, ignoring the growing weight on your shoulders. After all, you’ve always been able to handle whatever comes your way. But the truth is, the demands of today’s professional world can make even the most experienced among us feel stretched thin.

It’s not a sign of weakness; rather, it’s a sign that the world around us has changed, and sometimes, we need to adapt how we manage our responsibilities.

Common Challenges

  • Technology Management The rapid evolution of technology has been both a blessing and a curse. While new tools and platforms can make work more efficient, keeping up with them—learning how to use them effectively, integrating them into your existing workflows, and managing updates—can be incredibly taxing. This is especially true if technology wasn’t central to our early careers.
  • Task Organisation As an independent professional, you wear many hats. The sheer volume of responsibilities can be daunting, from managing client relationships to handling administrative tasks. It’s easy for things to slip through the cracks or your to-do list to feel never-ending. This constant juggling act can lead to decision fatigue and a feeling of being perpetually behind.
  • Business Operations Running a business involves more than just doing the work you’re passionate about—it also requires managing the nuts and bolts of operations. Whether it’s bookkeeping, marketing, or business development, these tasks demand attention and brainpower. Over time, the cumulative effect of managing these operations can lead to burnout, mainly if you’re doing it all on your own.

The Importance of Awareness

Recognising these feelings of overwhelm is the first step toward addressing them. It’s important to understand that feeling stretched thin isn’t just a passing phase—it’s a sign that you may need to reassess how you manage your responsibilities. Ignoring these signs can lead to decreased productivity, heightened stress, and ultimately, a negative impact on your professional and personal life.

Awareness is key to making meaningful changes. Acknowledging that you’re feeling overwhelmed opens the door to finding solutions that can help you regain control and improve your well-being. It’s not about admitting defeat; it’s about being proactive in seeking support to help you continue to thrive in your career.

So, where do you go from here?

Practical solutions are available to help lessen your cognitive load. These solutions don’t require a complete overhaul of your work or lifestyle; they involve making small but innovative changes that can significantly impact you.

  • For example, if technology management is a source of stress, consider working with a professional who can help you select and integrate the right tools for your business. This could involve streamlining your processes with automation or AI, making day-to-day tasks more manageable, and freeing up time for the work that truly matters to you.
  • Methods and systems for task organisation are designed to help you prioritise and manage your workload more effectively. Whether through digital tools, personalised coaching, or a combination, there are ways to bring order to the chaos, reducing the mental strain of trying to do it all.
  • For operational tasks that consume too much of your time and energy, consider delegating or outsourcing them to someone with the expertise to handle them efficiently. This reduces your workload and ensures that the tasks are expertly managed, giving you peace of mind.

If any of this resonates with you, know you’re not alone. Many professionals, especially in their 60s, feel the same pressures and challenges. The important thing is to take the first step toward reclaiming control over your professional life. Whether that means seeking out new tools, exploring coaching, or simply reassessing your current strategies, every small step can make a difference.

You’ve built a career on strength, intelligence, and perseverance, which are still your greatest assets. Now, it’s about applying them in new ways to navigate the evolving demands of your business.

If you’re ready to explore how you can reduce the cognitive load and streamline your operations, I invite you to consider scheduling a free discovery session. This is an opportunity to discuss your unique challenges and explore tailored solutions that can help you continue to succeed without being overwhelmed. Remember, asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a strategic move toward ensuring your continued success and well-being.

If you feel I can help, please Click here to schedule your free discovery session and take the first step toward a more balanced and empowered professional journey.

Unlock the Secrets to Expertise Acceleration with Cedric Chin
In this week’s Wisepreneurs episode (#58), we explore the refreshing and inspiring research of Cedric Chin, the brilliant mind behind Common Cog. Cedric has an exceptional talent for breaking down complex business concepts, like Lia DiBello’s triad, which he uses to explain the three critical pillars of business success: Operations, Market, and Capital.

As a long-time subscriber to Common Cog, I’ve gained invaluable insights from his deep thinking and clear writing on business mastery. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or simply passionate about business growth, this episode offers practical tips to help you survive, grow and thrive on Friday evening AEST, August 23, 2024

Keep learning, keep growing, and thrive in every chapter
Nigel Rawlins
Founder, Wisepreneurs

P.S. I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reply to this email with your thoughts, questions, or topics you’d like to see covered. Let’s keep the conversation going.

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Are you an independent professional, or aspiring to be one, and 60 or over? Every Tuesday, I deliver a blend of expert business and marketing practices, actionable insights, and brain-boosting tips—all tailored to support your journey in the dynamic world of self-employment. Join me today.

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