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Mastering Health and Longevity with Holly Whelan PhD

Hello Reader, Introduction: Over the past two decades, the health and wellness industry has seen various popular fads, each offering a unique approach to health. And I don't know about you, but I've tried many of them. From detox diets like juice cleanses and the Master Cleanse to the low-carb craze with the Atkins and Keto diets, many have sought quick fixes for weight loss and health. Fitness enthusiasts embraced High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and CrossFit, while nutrition experts...

Hello Reader, In my latest episode of the Wisepreneurs Podcast, I spoke with Debbie Jenkins, a prolific author and experienced publisher. Her approach to writing short, valuable books is practical for building credibility and generating passive income. Business professionals often juggle multiple tasks and often need to pay more attention to their marketing. Debbie’s method focuses on an important but not urgent task as a part of your marketing, a principle I’ve advocated using the Eisenhower...

Hello Reader, Ageing and Longevity: A New Perspective Navigating our lives as we realise our ageing, we recognise that longevity brings multiple life transitions. The traditional three-stage life model—school, work, and retirement—has gone. According to the book “The 100-Year Life” by Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott, the authors highlighted that modern life comprises various phases that require us to reinvent ourselves. This shift encourages us to adapt and thrive through each stage. Cultural...

Hello Reader,In episode 50 of the Wisepreneurs Podcast, Emma Williams discusses her transition from academia to self-employment. Emma's story is relevant to any professional considering a career shift or exploring new ventures in retirement. Emma, a physics PhD from Cambridge, spent years immersed in academia. Her love of science fiction and ability to recite Star Wars movies by heart earned her the title "nerd coach." This title reflects her interests and resonates deeply with her clients,...

Hello Reader, With the rapid advancements in automation and AI, we can start to redefine how we work, freeing up precious time for what truly matters, and that is only sometimes about working. This idea of my tackling productivity through streamlining our processes was inspired by the principles of Lean thinking and the transformative potential of automation. Paul A. Akers' book "2 Second Lean" emphasises simplifying processes through continuous improvement and waste elimination, fostering a...

Hello Reader, Welcome to this edition of Wisepreneurs, where wisdom meets entrepreneurship. You are more than aware that we live in a competitive and information-saturated environment, where standing out and maintaining credibility is more challenging than ever. Debbie Jenkins, a future guest, highlights that the expertise economy values specialised knowledge and skills, challenging business owners to innovate and adapt. This brings me to my recent guest on episode 48 of the Wisepreneurs...

Hello Reader, The Wisepreneurs website is getting a revamp! Unfortunately, I don't often get the time to work on my websites. Still, soon, you'll find many easy-to-access articles covering business, marketing, knowledge work, freelancing, wellbeing, cognitive health, and our podcast highlights and related topics. Women in Marketing In the latest four episodes of the Wisepreneurs Podcast, I spoke to four incredible women in marketing. They generously shared insights into their work and how...

Hello Reader, Introduction to Episode 46 In episode 46 of the Wisepreneurs Podcast, I spoke with Gill Andrews, a conversion copywriter and website consultant. Challenges in Website Development Over the past few years, I've worked on over 50 websites. However, the market has become increasingly crowded with less-experienced competitors, making it harder for the more experienced professionals to stand out. My Current Work and Efforts to Improve I manage 18 websites and provide monthly reports...

Hello Reader, Maintaining an online presence with engaging content and updates is time-consuming, requiring strategic focus and consistent effort to stay ahead. Last week, I introduced the Eisenhower Matrix to draw attention to the essential business categories illustrated using the five-line model, which includes your marketing. I wanted to highlight the ‘important but not urgent’ quadrant. In this context, your website falls squarely into the ‘important but not urgent’ category. Episode 45...

Hello Reader, Episode 44 of the Wisepreneurs podcast introduces you to Dr Debra Zahay-Blatz, a marketing professor at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. What I wanted out of the conversation was to provide my listeners with some practical insights into the core marketing concepts and how they apply to your business. Understanding the Core Concepts Marketing: Dr Zahay-Blatz defines marketing as delivering value to your customers and capturing value for your firm. It’s about...